
Sheepshead Bay

Not a lot of pictures today. I was filling in a gap after making a map-reading error on my last walk. (This has happened to me a couple of time now. I should go back to writing out my directions.) I took the bus along Ave U to get to E 28 Street. I looped around E27 and E26 Streets. That was a little over two miles, so I walked up to Kings Highway. And these things ALWAYS happen, I just missed a Kings Highway bus and the next one wasn't for 20 minutes, even though it was still technically morning rush hour. Go figure. There are more SELECT buses, but I had a 12-block walk to get to the Select bus stop. And two of those came along before the local did. It was early, but sunny, so I had a huge shadow. I went down E27 first and came back up E26. Then I walked over to E28 up to Kings Highway.

Georgetown / Bergen Beach

I don't know what neighborhood I walked this past week (Wednesday, July 17, 2024), just that it was by the pool store. The store is in Bergen Beach, but if you look at the map, my travels took me closer to Georgetown, which is an area that I know is "over there" (waving hand non-specifically in its general direction) without knowning exactly where. I haven't had much reason to visit there in decades. (There used to be a yarn shop. There still might be one, but I haven't been brought there. And there are closer IHOPs as well.) My original plan had been to walk a simple rectangle along Avenue N, which branches north suddenly from the rest of Ave N and then to come back on Avenue T, which in that area is actually one block away. Instead, I started strolling up and down all the sides streets which probably tripled my walk. My reason for being in the area was the pool store, which was already open, but there was another place (see below) that wouldn't be open un

Where I've Walked Recently

I hope to start updating this blog more regularly. To get things going, below are the maps I keep of where I've walked. The first one is the routes I walked from April through June 2024. The second is since May 2019 when I started keeping track of where I was walking and decided to start branching out. I work at a school in East Williamsburg, and as the weather got nicer, I started walking more in the area, and up into Greenpoint, to fill in some missing streets. There aren't as many walks as I would've liked, but the weather didn't always cooperate. I had been trying to work in at least one walk per week, usually on a Wednesday or Thursday, because Monday and Tuesday are late days for teachers, and Fridays are Fridays. This is everywhere I've walked from May 2019 through today . I have one master, so I don't have a map ending June 30, 2024. (Not exactly true -- I uploaded one onto reddit in the r/Brooklyn subreddit. I supposed I could've download

Welcome Redditors. I promise new posts soon

Sorry, but I've had too many irons in the fire, many demands on my time, so some of my hobbies and pastimes have taken hiatuses. Thank you for stopping by.

Recent Walks

Yes, I know that I haven't uploaded any pictures since March. I've been walking all that time though. So here are some of my recent walks.